2024UMFF Screenplay Showcase

Universe Multicultural Film Festival--2024
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The 2024Universe Multicultural Film Festival Screenplay Show Case
In honor of the finalist of the Screenplay contest, UMFF use the real director who cast the actors to perform the best parts of the screenplays. This showcase brings the story from the paper to a real play.
7:00-8:30PM; June 15, 2024 at
McTaggart Hall in Fred Hesse Park (29301 Hawthorne Blvd, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275);  


 Screenplay Title:

 Brothers Blood
|United States| 90p
Writer: CV Herst, Virginia Travers, Scott Amour

Cris Felipe;
Born in Europe, Cris Felipe moved to Los Angeles from New York after graduating with a BA in Film Production and Studies.Cris is fluent in French, Portuguese, and English, adores multicultural storytelling, and is passionate about performing, writing, and consulting for scripts

Supported by 

The Casts: 

Cris Felipe

 Patrick Foley

Deidra Kathleen

 Rosvita Rauch

 Mircea Oprea

 Tim Christian

 Rex Kempton

 Cammie Middleton

Peter Jang