Youth & Student films of 2021 UMFF

2021 UMFF Youth & Student Films
     Bane of the Beasts
United States | 5 min Student-made | Animation
Director: Alexis Wong
Synopsis: A young creature unlike any other is shunned by all the herds of the land. But little do they know, that the pup is meant for a far greater destiny.

United States | 3 min Student-made| Drama
Director: Lia Wang
Synopsis: A young, visually impaired woman — accompanied only by her guide dog — sits in a café, reading a novel as she waits for the next bus. Suddenly, a pay phone begins to ring loudly outside. Led by her trusty friend, the young woman then experiences something that can only be described as magical.


Coming Back
United States | 5min Youth/Student - made| Drama
Director: Yuxin Zhao
Synopsis: A five-minute 2D animation about how a child's lonely world transforms into a colorful adventure through the friendship of newly awakened friends in a museum. This animation explores the idea that loneliness does not mean that life is full of sorrow. Imagination and one's attitude towards life can help them deal with it


Meat Soup
China | 6min Student-made | Drama
Director: Donglei Yin
Synopsis: Dragon, who framed by the President of the Herbs club, decides to clarify rumors on her own.

    One Touch
Greece | 2min Student-made| Drama
Director: Luca Acito
Synopsis: Touching is the profound way of expressing ourselves.
We will be in each other's arms again.
     Soul of the Lands
Iceland | 16 min Student-made | Documentary
Director: Fabio Del Percio
Synopsis: In Iceland, the indigenous ritual of the sweat lodge, brought there by a Native American more than 25 years ago, has been adopted by the Icelanders, undoubtedly demonstrating the practice’s resilience to new cultures.